Refund Policy

While we strive to provide the best quality products with a seamless experience for our customers, things happen sometimes, so if there's anything wrong with the item you have received, we will do our best to fix it.

If you want to return the item, please contact us within 30 days of receiving the order at If you have discovered our fault, please take pictures of the defected, or wrong case sent to you and attach them to the initial email with an explanation.

Personalized products are one of a kind and has been manufactured only for you. Therefore we can not exchange or refund any customized products unless the product has a manufacturer's defect or if the product is different item from what was ordered.

We do not issue refunds if you do not provide a reason for returning the item or send it back without contacting us first.

Refunds for returned items will be issued to the original payment method you used when placing your order.

Please consider that all the shipping expenses for returning the item remain the responsibility of the customer.